Hurricane Warriors

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Jaquan Johnson

Jaquan Johnson

Player: Jaquan Johnson
Set: 2019 Panini Contenders Draft Picks
Year: 2019
Card #: 194
Serial #:
Attributes: AU RC
Category: Football
Qty: 4
Manufacturer: Panini Group

2019 Panini Contenders Draft Picks #194

Jaquan Johnson AUTO RC

Some autograph cards have image variations. On the back of cards there are black bars under image of players for each version. Card A has no bars on back, Card B has one bar, Card C has two bars, and Card D has three bars.

Team(s): Hurricanes

Key: AU=Autographed, CLG=Collegiate, ERR=Error, HDS=Hand Signed, INS=Insert, JSY=Jersey, MEM=Memorabilia, PSA=PSA Graded,  RC=Rookie Card, S#=Serial Numbered